Friday, 28 November 2008

Can I count on your vote?

Today in form assembly nominations where made for the school council. I was nominated by my class to stand in these elections. However this is not the end. There is still a long road to travel to election and I need you to help me help you. These elections are a great opportunity for an elected person to stand for you and bring the will of the students to be brought to the attention of the teachers. So can I count on you?

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Lol Zafira

Yesterday I saw a Vauxhall Zafira driving down the road. It was blue and a couple of years old. Nothing to write home about I suppose. Just a sensible people carrier. But this one had been fitted with a HUGE exhaust and dump valve. I have no idea why. It makes no sense to me as the Zafira is not the sort of car suited to a huge exhaust or a dump valve. Why do people do things like this? It makes no sense to me! Buy a different car or just leave the one you have alone if your going to embarrass yourself like that.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

I remember...

I was revising Module 1 ICT today and stumbled across the notes that Mr Mulholland gave us. Oh! Mr Mulholland! The Data Mining, The Knowledge Systems, The GIGO. We spend 1 month non stop taking down notes and Mr Hanlon came in and said wtf this is all wrong. Despite this Mr Mulholland is still remembered with fondness. Wheather its the act that it all came good in the end or wheather its because he could hold a full time teaching job despite owning 3 buisnesses.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

A bit of a Rant

Something that always anoys me is people who drive German salon cars. They think they own the road in their Mercedes S Class's and their BMW 5 series's. And behind the wheel is usually some stuck up twerp with a suit and a breifcase. They're always overtaking at the most inappropriate times and cutting people off in traffic. When someone drives any german saloon (apart from a Passat) you can tell automatically they are a stupid little tithead with no regard for anyone else on the road. Dont get me wrong I love German saloons they're very good cars but they seem to attract the wrong type of people.

Friday, 14 November 2008

The Happenings of Today

Well, today had been great.

To start off with I just got back my school photo today and I look like a pedophillic psycopatic murder. Lol.

I then spent my Breaktime helping Mr Hanlon and 8E and then shouting at people. I was recruited for crowd control outside HE2. There was a chocolate fountain in HE2 so there was allot of crowd to control. Although when I arrived with the firm voice of athoraty order was soon restored. Appart from a 3rd Year who picked up a firsty and threw him into Mrs McClelland.

Then at lunch it became apparent that there was no cake for maths. So me and Andy Brown headed on down to Centra for some cake. On the way we found a £5 note. Obviously this was a sign from God that we where to mitch school, buy some cake with someone elses money and then give the remainder to children in need. So thats what we did.

I then got to spend period 7+8 doing not much at all apart from eat cake.

Andrew Brown gave me a DVD with like 6 full films on it. Flags of our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, The Patriot, 300, V for Vendetta and We Where Soldiers! All of these films are awesome so THANKS Andy!

After that i spent period 9 doing noting.

Tristan wasn't as nasty as he usually is to me as he found out that we share a love of great literature. Terry Pratchett that is.

I then went home and speed up my crappy old desktop PC loads with a lot of help from my awesome friend Steve. Thanks Steve!

And I come onto Blog Spot and find I have a new follower. Welcome to Mole Spot Davey

Thursday, 13 November 2008


Today in ICT SRJ made a small first year girl cry.

Mr Hanlon was out of the class and the small girl came in and asked for him.
SRJ said "Is he your dad?"
The little girl walked out of the room and cried.

Tristan was annoyed because he said that was his job.

Ideas please!

Ok so Im 40% of the way to completion of my first LBP level and I still have no names. Its a level Im building for Steve where the character enters a computer to kill viruses. I need names here people. Comments please!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Awwww Cute

One thing that you notice when playing LittleBigPlanet is that how unbelievably cute it is. From the cute little monements the player makes(The movement of the head, hands and hips is player contolled and there are other movements that are not controlled by the player like knocking knees when the player is worried) to the funny little additions(like the Good Gosh! menu that allows you to report abuse). The other day I was text chating to a friend and said i had to leave. He asked me if i had a driving lesson. I was about to return to the text chat menu to say yes but realised i had another option. So i shook the controler back and forth to cause my character to nod his head. Awww Bless. I then gave my friend a little wave goodbye. AWWWWWWW. Even the numerous costumes are cuter than a boxfull of puppies.

Monday, 10 November 2008

On a Mac

Lunchtime today I ventured into "The Mac Side" It was flashy and made noises and made me go wow! The mouse felt a bit silly with its tiney scroll wheel thingy and the whole layout o the menu system. The big bottom one that has your main programs (and is severly over coded), the Mac HD symbol that contains everything else and the big top bar that does something (I still havent igured out what). But...

Im not the biggest expert when it comes to computing (far from it in fact) but even I can see the uselessness of the amount of visual rubbish in Macs. It is acceptable to make use of flashy visual technology in mp3 players and other small devices that fulfil one purpose as this only requires limited sotware to do these very simple tasks. However even in the most simple word processing I have no need for 5 high res icons flying accross the screen bobing about and all in all fuliling no purpose but to distract me from my work. The ripple efect graphics kept me amused for a short while until I thought Just how much coding would that take? and more importantly How much processing power would this take up. I can understand how those of a more simple mind would find the cool graphics and flashy icons a good reason for getting a Mac. WOW it magnifies. But soon after I became bored and confused at the layout that I was not used to and left before I could really have a good look at the Mac.

It looks good and makes noises but i however am not converted. Im a PC! You Got A Problem With That?!?

Deep Topic

I was watching Schinlders List the other day and thinking about howwhen the holocaust is refaired to it is always through numbers. 6 million jews killed etc. The personal story of those who survived. Schindlers List personalises what has happened. Primo Levi (a surviver of the holocaust) writes in both his books about what he suffered at the hands of the Nazi's and later under the "care" of Soviet Forces. "If This Is A Man" tells the story of his time in a German Concentration camp. "The Truce" tells of what happened to the surviving jews after the holocaust. They are both very good books documenting the holocaust in vivid detail. Primo comited suicide shortley after he wrote the books.

In todays world it is not the jews who live oppressed but other groups. With the rise of YBNP camps that mirror the Hitler Youth we know the history but are we unable to see the future. We have knowledge but as a wise man once said to me. "Knowledge without wisdom is useless because knowledge is knowing something. Wisdom is knowing to apply the knowledge that you have today."

Saturday, 8 November 2008

What do ya think?2

What about now?


Just got LittleBigPlanet and its AWESOME. Steven Fry does the voice over and reminds me of the time he did Hitchhikers Guide(Awesome Film tie-in to an awesome book). I havent started to create any levels but I will start soon. I promised steve that I'd make a level for him. I alredy have a few ideas but its just putting them into the game that will be the trickey part. Been playing through story mode and the levels that Media Molecule have made are pretty awesome.

LittleBigPlanet definately deserves the 10/10 that its got in almost every review site on the (LittleBig)Planet (LOL). Im lovin the game already and i feel that it has soooooo much more to offer.

To keep SRJ and Tristan happy (despite the fact they wont read this) I'll talk about Gears of War 2.

Well what can I say about Gears 2 that wasn't said about the first one? Not much really. But is that a bad thing? Well No. Some very inovative level design. Awesome gore. Awesome Weapons. Some great Enemies. Brilliant online. Atmospheric. Brilliant Cutscenes. Great Graphics and points where you really feel on the edge of your seat.

And Yes... Where the game excells in some areas it shoots itself in the foot(with a torque bow) in others. Team AI that is so bad it almost reduced my friend to tears. A so-so Story. Characters that are really annoying. Points(2-4 per level) in Hardcore mode when the game is unpassable (2boomers w/ chainguns, 20 grunts, 2 flamethrowers, a mortar, 2 reavers(ie Tanks) and a coupe o turrets vs you and Dom under the control of the worlds most retarded AI). Really Terrible Driving Sections (more terrible than you could ever imagine) and the most obvious plot twists in the history of video games.

Please note I am trying to be unbiased so here it goes. The rest of the game is so awesome that it more than makes up for the places where it was less than great.

But heres the thing. The things they excelled in was what was great last time and what was mearly an annoyance last time arround has almost ruined the game this time around. The fact that they have not come away from Gears 1 saying what wasn't done so well means that it has deteriated this time around.

A solid 8.7/10 but a shake of the head. I expected better. F for effort.

Friday, 7 November 2008

What do ya think?

What do you think of the new title? Comments Plz!

Thursday, 6 November 2008


Just put some META tags into the HTML. Hope they work. Fingers crossed they dont kill my blog.

I finally have a follower. Hey Steve!

First Post!

Hey! Hey!

This is my first post. I'll try to post as regularly as possible(note for future referance). I havent got much to talk about at the moment but I'll ramble on anyway.

I'd Like to start by congratulating Tristan. He may not have gone cold turkey on ALL of the things he said he was going to give up, but he has gone a surprising ammount of time without throwing up on people and every little counts!

Sorry Tristan I know you did well. You made it almost a week without alcahol! Congrats!