Is it just me or is everybody missing the big picture. So everyone is focused on the fact its going to kill the whole world. It won't! Basically we'll all get the snivels and everyone goes back to work. We'll thats the thing. Pandemic. That means 1) Everybody stays away from public places. Everybody! That means Exams are a no go, no-one turns up to the Stock Markets and all jobs that make everyday living possible. So we don't get qualifications, the stocks crash (It already crashed when swine flu was announced) and society as we know it would crumble. 2) All ports and airports close. Britan seems me to be the only country in the world that can't sustain itself for a long period of time. Where an island without sufficient agricultural structure to sustain itself for a long period of time.
So basically we're screwed! No bother eh!