Monday, 5 January 2009


I'd like to start off by apologising to all of my followers who roused themselves early on Christmas Day sitting waiting in expectation of what could come. What brilliance had I planned for the Yale tide Season. But get a life. Leave the Internet alone. If you spend any of Christmas Day using the Internet you obviously have a problem. Go off and visit Grandparents. Leech money off them. Get presents. Give presents. Eat far too much food and go to sleep!

There we go rant over.

I don't know what to say to follow up Fagboy.

One thing I've noticed as a growing trend in video games is the fact that they're getting to easy. In general most video games appear to have taken the Wii style back step. The technology involved has come on leaps and bounds. However with the recent influx of new gamers has cause the market to be saturated with the more mainstream and in allot of cases worse games. Games like Ninja Gaiden used to destroy you if you even paused for breath. They where a whirl wind of activity and while this almost psychopathic attitude to gaming has persisted in some places (Left 4 Dead) there are games revered for this which have softened (Ninja Gaiden 2 and DMC4) and even games that (I'm not joking) IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DIE IN. You just get a scar in Fable 2. Not that you'll be getting too many of them!

Happy New Year one and all.

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